Mark Innes Reidford APFS – Founder, Managing Director and Chartered Independent Adviser.

Working life

Founder of the Innes Reid team since 2000

Mark is the founder of Innes Reid and a Chartered Independent Adviser specialising in tax planning and advising business owners.

Mark has a wealth of financial planning experience and a passion for helping clients find confidence in their financial future. His tailored approach to planning has been an obsession for many years and something he proudly advocates to all the team and our clients.

His skills not only lie in personal financial planning but as a mentor to the team. He has built a supportive culture that enables individuals to develop within the company and achieve their ambitions.

Innes Reid is derived from Mark’s middle name ‘Innes’, something he was scared stiff of being ridiculed about in his school days! How times have changed, having used it as the name of his own company Mark could not be prouder of his middle name now.

Home life

What is an ability you wish you had?  As a child, my older sister Fiona wanted to learn to play the piano and somehow, I got roped into having piano lessons too. In my mind I viewed this as a punishment as I’d rather be outside playing football. Needless to say, I never became proficient in playing the piano, an ability I now regret not having!

What’s currently on top of your bucket list? I consider myself good at planning for others and have made a career from doing so. As for myself I am hopeless at planning and I don’t have a bucket list as such. However, I would love to be lucky enough to gain tickets for the US Masters and experience Augusta live.

What’s the one talent people would be surprised to know about you? I can see around corners.

Your karaoke song of choice?  I would love to say I could deliver Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. However, I’ll play it safe with Lyla by Oasis.

Brown or red sauce?  I know this sounds strange, but both! Mixed together!

Go to comfort food?  My go to comfort food has to be syrup sponge with custard, vanilla ice cream and double cream.

Best box set TV binge and why?  This is an easy one, has to be Breaking Bad. An absolute roller coaster. The series is poetic from the start, gripping, humorous, dark, funny and exciting to the point of almost being addictive. Also, Tin Star – well worth a watch! Although as it is so dark it’s not for everyone.

Contact Mark –

Tel 01244 347 583


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